99908001111 … no it’s not a cryptic maths puzzle, but these numbers can help keep us very safe…

This week, we learnt a lot about how to Keep Ourselves Safe.

We started the week with road safety and it was great to hear how street wise our children are.

Stefan from London Fire Brigade came to chat with us on Tuesday and gave us lots of helpful advice.

Call 999 if there’s a fire

Close all the doors.

Go down onto the floor if a room fills with smoke.

Block under the door with a towel, not anything heavy.

Shout “fire” out of the window.

Don’t forget to test your smoke alarms MONTHLY!

We learnt some first aid and bandaging; how to look after our minds and watched a very useful video from NSPCC about keeping safe at home. The children memorised the phone number       0800 1111 for Childline.

A fun and informative week in Year 2 as always- Don’t forget Odd Socks Day next Monday the 13th where we will be celebrating people’s differences.


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