St Mary and St Pancras CE School Vision

‘With the highest ambition for each unique child, illuminated by the light of faith, we strive for excellence in all that we do.

We serve our community with compassion, leaning in to those who need us the most so that they may live life in all its fullness.’


St Mary and St Pancras is a voluntary aided Church of England school that serves the diverse, multi-faith community of Somers Town. We are committed to enabling all children to reach their full potential and provide opportunities for each individual child to excel in a broad and balanced curriculum. We aim to promote every child’s moral, spiritual, intellectual, social and physical well-being and prepare them well to be successful members of society in the future.

At St Mary and St Pancras we have a unique Vision. We believe that everyone matters to God. We have daily collective worship where all children are able to develop their spiritual well-being and knowledge of the Christian faith. We celebrate the cultural and religious diversity of our school community where all members can develop in an environment of mutual co-operation and respect. As a team, we aim to work together to create a caring, safe learning environment where the children can enjoy their learning and achieve the high standards that are set for each individual child. We aspire to achieve excellent behaviour and conduct from all our children and this is exemplified by encouraging a caring attitude; acquiring good work habits, self-discipline, confidence, common-sense and being respectful members of our community. Our distinct Christian values of friendship, forgiveness, endurance, respect and thankfulness and compassion underpin everything that we do.

We endeavor to provide for each individual child’s needs by providing a multi-approach learning environment. Our staff are committed to the development of their professional skills to ensure children receive education of the highest quality.

Together the dedication of our staff and governors, and the commitment of our pupils and parents enable us to fulfil our Vision so that our children flourish.