Year 2 have set out to become true scientists by exploring the question, Which paper is most suitable for wrapping paper?”

We are learning about materials and their properties and wanted to discover the best paper to wrap presents in.

We hung 4 different types of paper to our tables. We then hung a yoghurt pot to the paper and gradually added marbles into the pot until the paper ripped.

We kept a record of how many marbles each type of paper could handle until, we literally lost our marbles and the paper broke.

It was an extremely fun experiment which proved different paper has different strengths.

Despite the fact the card was the strongest and could withhold the most marbles, we decided the A4 paper was most suitable for wrapping paper as it is also more flexible.

“A4 paper is suitable because it is strong, flexible and opaque. Opaque is a good property to have because we don’t want to see what’s in the present when it is wrapped.” Zefaiya.


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