We are poets and we know it! This week we have been thinking about performance poetry as a whole school focus. Each key phase was given a poem to perform. We thought about some of our favourite poets, our class favourite is Benjamin Zephaniah, and we watched some of their videos to give us some ideas. First we read the poem as a class and thought about what the poem was about and how it made us feel. We were all really inspired by the poem (At the end of the Day by Matt Goodfellow) because it was about a boy who had great potential to be a poet and his teacher recognising that. Then, we split into groups to think about how we could add actions to our poems. When we had our actions finalised, Year One came to pay us a visit. They performed their poem for us and then we performed our poem for them! We all loved this activity!

One comment on “Performance Poetry!

  1. This was really fun!

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