We have thoroughly enjoyed this half term in Year 2.

Acting out scenes from The Diary of a Killer Cat; having fun with fraction bars in Maths; Art workshops; Science investigations; playing tuned and untuned percussion instruments in Music – not to mention two fabulous trips out.

The Florence Nightingale Museum was a very special outing. Not only did we meet Florence herself, but we also had the museum to ourselves.

Florence ensured we all got to work, insisting on impeccable hygiene throughout the hospital to prevent infection. We saw her actual lamp (a fanoos); her dress and pet owl (granted a stuffed version) and even had a bit of time for some dress up.

We enjoyed striking a pose with Mary Seacole’s statue. Mary is a source of inspiration to Year 2 as she was, “strong, brave and determined”- hence their poses.

We took advantage of our location and visited some very important landmarks that we have learnt about in Geography.

And to end the term- we performed a poem to the Year 6’s who were very impressed with our rhythm, voice control and gesture- oh, and the fact we learnt it all off by heart!

Enjoy the break from school. Rest, read and visit the parks!

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