This week, year six have been conducting a series of maths investigations to test inverse operations. They were paired up to play a game that would require them to out-think their opponents.  It is beneficial to go first? Is it an advantage to go second? What are some of the tactics or patterns you have found that can help you win?


These were some of the questions that the children began to become aware of as they navigated through these particular investigations and challenged each other to these numeric games.


3 comments on “How can maths help us win when we play board games?

  1. Shakirah Anjum says:

    I believe this is very good for the children and it helped me learn a lot. Mr Vogel was a great maths teacher and motivated me to do well. I took part in greater depth with Mr Dunnings who taught me means, modes, range and median which helped me in my GCSEs. I got a grade 9 thanks to this school and all its teachers.

  2. Nice

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