Wow! What a wonderful, scientific week we have had! As part of Science Week, we have been doing lots of experiments, learning a lot of facts and getting pretty messy.
We learnt about diversity in Science and thought about what a stereotypical scientist was like. We then learnt that those stereotypes aren’t true the majority of the time. We chose a diverse scientist and wrote biographies and fact files about them. We were really inspired.
We also thought about whether certain materials were solids or liquids and we were quite confused by Oobleck which is a mixture of cornflour and water. Its viscosity (runniness) changes depending on how much pressure is applied to it. This means when it is handled roughly, it acts like a solid but when no force is applied it acts like a liquid. After making it in pairs, we had to decide whether it was a solid or a liquid based on these questions. Can it be poured? Can it be held between our thumbs and forefingers? Can it take the shape of its container? The answer to all of those questions was yes! After much deliberation, we decided as a class that Oobleck was a unique substance because it was both a solid and a liquid!
We also had a really entertaining Science Assembly show, where Professors Apha and Zulaiha from Mother Nature Science showed us some cool experiments. We also had a workshop with her where we learnt about how different species adapt to their environments.
What a fun week!!!