Supporting Teachers to Manage their Workload

Leaders at STMP acknowledge the cycle of the teaching year.  Every job, by its very nature, has “workload” and pressure points. Schools as places of work are unique; staff are required to work 195 days of the year. We all have job descriptions setting high standards and employees are paid for this work.

As school leaders, we primarily support employee wellbeing when we:

·         recruit staff carefully in order to ensure that they are a “good fit” for the role and can demonstrate the majority of the skills, knowledge and aptitudes to carry out the role they are applying


·         are clear with staff about their role (JD) and expectations around that role through recruitment and induction.

·         provide a physical working environment within which staff can carry out their work to a high standard

·         provide the resources that staff need in order for staff to carry out their work to a high standard

·         establish and maintain an organisational culture within which staff can carry out their work to a high standard

·         notice when staff are doing a good job and give them explicit praise

·         address underperformance of staff, so that highly performing staff are not unnecessarily burdened

·         provide high quality training and coaching opportunities for staff

·         model “healthy” working practices (e mail protocols, length of working day protocols etc) to other staff and “walk the talk” themselves.


These are the measures implemented by leadership over time at STMP to protect staff wellbeing / workload:

·         Our commitment to securing relationships across the staff and between staff, pupils & parents (see staff relationship expectations). We model the behaviour we want to see.

·         Morning briefings reduced from twice a week in person to one, every Monday on Zoom.

·         Week to view planned in advance and shared with all staff – transparency for all, smooth running of school. Whole school digital diary ensures events, meetings and trips are strategically planned so that DSL/DDSLs are always available and there is no additional pressure on staffing across the school.

·         Monday morning assembly / worship led by DHT to allow teachers and support staff to liaise about learning / special events for the week

·         No work allowed in staffroom –a place to socialise and relax.

·         We preserve the carefully planned school timetable at all times. No amendments to be made by anyone but the DHT, thus ensuring the efficient running of the school.

·         School holiday homework planned by DHT rather than class teachers; creative in nature / no making.

·         Data collection reduced from six times a year (necessary for rapid school improvement in the past) to three.

·         Leadership (HT / DHT / SENDCo) walk the floor and are visible; offer support with SEN/ SEMH pupils leaving teachers to teach, though the need to is very rare once new children are


·         Clear lines of line management and communication. Staff lists and responsibilities shared. People know who to go to.

·         Open door policy – TEAM – collegiate ethos- staff hold each other to high standards independent of leaders but support each other when necessary.

·         Commitment to CPD – providing teachers and staff with the expertise to meet the expectations of the curriculum.

·         SL requests – acknowledgment from leaders that life doesn’t neatly fit into school terms and that people have family responsibilities. System for SL requests embedded so any cover

requirements are met in advance.

·         Termly staff breakfasts and pizzas for staff delivered for parents evening meetings & Y6 production staff.

·         Frequent ‘thankyous’ – in person and via email – gratitude.

·         Listening culture – no cliques, gossip.

·         Time, support and financial reward for subject leaders to alleviate the pressure in a 1-form school.

·         Support form the clergy in times of personal difficulty e.g. bereavement.

·         Swift action to address underperformance that would otherwise affect the wider team.

·         Staff who are unwell are supported through referrals to Occupational Health, wellbeing plans, EP support. Clear framework when individuals need support.

·         Strict adherence to policies -equitable offer for all

·         Low key weeks for assessment week-no meeting for teachers.

·         The school provides and Employee Assistance Programme for all staff to benefit from.  The contact details are available on a poster in the staffroom and in bathrooms.   This is a confidential service which can provide advice on: finances, housing, health, family and relationships, life events as well as a 24-hour counselling phone-line.


Our staffing is stable; preserving the TEAM  ethos and promoting a whole-school approach to wellbeing for all.

‘Overall staff feel very well supported and find the SLT to be very approachable….STMP is a happy environment to work in.’ Camden ROV Feb 2024

‘Leaders and Governors champion wellbeing. Through a commitment to professional development, an awareness of individual needs and an open-door policy, a compassionate culture has been achieved. Thus, the staff are a reflective team who are valued in their roles.’ (SIAMS Report 23.01.25)