Religious Education has a central place in the curriculum for all of our children.

As a Church of England VA school, we follow the LDBS Scheme of work; our RE curriculum is weighted towards Christianity and we study other key world faiths too. As a staff we are committed to teaching our children about God and helping them to reflect and learn from God, which we carry through into our daily worship. Our distinctive Christian values underpin our RE learning and everything that we do in school, and scripture from the Bible is shared with staff and children regularly.

We encourage our children to think about ‘big’ philosophical questions and to reflect on their place in our school, the community and the universe as a whole. RE at our school is creative and fun; drama, role-play, music, art and written work are of a very high standard and our children can articulate their thinking to anyone who asks them an intelligent question!

Please use the link below to view our whole school RE curriculum map.

Religious Education Policy

Collective Worship Policy

Spirituality Policy

Religious Education Curriculum Map

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