Safeguarding at St Mary & St Pancras

‘The school has clear and robust procedures for managing safeguarding. Leaders take safeguarding seriously’. ‘The school’s safeguarding systems for visitors are both rigorous and welcoming’. ‘….relationships with parents and children are so strong’.

Camden Safeguarding Report, Dec 2023

St Mary and St Pancras C of E Primary School operates a culture of vigilance where the safety of children is our ultimate priority-we are strongly committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, families and staff. Schools have a legal duty to make every effort to keep children safe. We pride ourselves on working with families to ensure that they get the support that they need as early as possible.

The best interests of the children will always be our priority. As such, there are times we will need to record, monitor and share information with other agencies. We will share concerns about our pupils with the child’s parents/carers unless we have reason to believe that such a move would not be in the child’s best interest. Safeguarding children is an essential part of our holistic approach to ensure that children are protected from abuse and neglect and that every child is able to flourish.

All staff take their safeguarding responsibilities very seriously and work together within clear guidelines and procedures. We pride ourselves on being a ‘listening school’; all staff are here to listen to children and adults who may need support.  We work as a team to offer the highest standard of professional care and base our response to difficulties within the principles of ‘Trauma Informed Practice’, without compromising our expectations of children’s behaviour and conduct. The principles of Restorative Justice underpin our approach to promoting positive behaviour which contributes to a happy, safe school where children flourish,  develop their own moral compass and treat each other well, from the Nursery through to Year 6.

The school Designated Safeguarding Lead is Ms Belton, the Headteacher. The Deputy Head Teacher and SENDCo are also trained Safeguarding Leads.  The school also employs a trained Mentor from Kick London. There is always a trained safeguarding lead on the school site.

All  information is dealt with in a professional and confidential way. We treat everyone with dignity in line with our school Vision and Values and uphold the highest standards of confidentiality.

Designated Safeguarding / Filtering and Monitoring Lead: Ms Jules Belton, Head Teacher

Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Ms Lucy Heard, Deputy Head Teacher 

                                                          Ms Rebecca Harrison, SENDCo

Designated Safeguarding / Filtering and Monitoring/Cybersecurity Governor: James Poole,  Chair of Governors

All can be reached on 0207 387 6117 0r by email on 

Local Authority Chief Designated Officer (LADO): Jacqueline Feron – 0207 974 4556

Other useful safeguarding contacts
Camden’s safeguarding team 020 7974 3317
NSPCC Help for adults concerned about a child 0808 800 5000
Child line Help for children and young people 0800 1111