Last week the Reception children were reading and learning about the Bible story ‘Jesus Calms the Storm’. The children first shared a time when they were feeling afraid or lost and then discussed how they felt when they were ‘rescued’ or ‘cheered up’. We then listened to the story and finally, we did a roleplay!

Some of the children were in the boat (which we made ourselves) pretending to be Jesus and the Disciplines. The other children had to move the parachute up and down to simulate a storm. We also had some very scary thunder and lightning sounds on in the background!

Eventually, the child who was role playing as Jesus stood up and said ‘Be Quite, Be Still!’ ending the storm. The children would then reflect on how it felt be rescued and how they felt once the storm had passed. The class absolutely LOVED this activity and all children had a turn pretending to be disciplines or manipulating the parachute to act as a thunderstorm.


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