Year 2 have been really enjoying our RE unit Judaism.

We have been discussing festivals and the many ways people of all religions (and non) celebrate at festivals.

This week we looked specifically at Rosh Hashanah, a Jewish festival that starts the new year. This fits in perfectly with our calendar as we have been discussing our new year goals in Year 2.

Ask your child how they will be “turning over a new leaf” this year.

The children ate honey and apple in the lesson. The sweet treat symbolises the new year ahead being full of sweet and positive things.

They then sampled pomegranate seeds. The pomegranate represents all the wonderful events they hope to have in the coming year.

We noted our apples came from New Zealand and the children located their origin in Australasia.

We also noted our pomegranate came from India, a country they found on our map in Asia. It was lovely to link this lesson with our Georgraphy learning.


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