Reception’s current R.E Unit of Learning is ‘What Makes a Place Special’. This unit includes visiting a local church and completing a Church ‘treasure hunt’, where children seek to identify important Christian artefacts and aspects of a church including the altar, font, candles, stained glass windows, cross, organ, statues, pews and bible.

The children and I walked to St Pancras Old Church – which is believed to be one of the oldest sites of Christian Worship in England, making the site potentially over 1800 years old! The children explored the church grounds before walking inside. Once inside we quietly and respectfully sat on the Church pews, discussed what we could see and worked through our treasure hunt list. We managed to find everything here except for the stained glass windows – unfortunately this Church doesn’t have any! To finish our session we had some time for reflection and finally said a prayer.

Afterwards, and due to the lovely weather, we visited Plot 10. The children were so happy and full of joy when exploring and playing with the equipment there. What a wonderful way to spend a Friday morning!

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