Here at St Mary and St Pancras School, we have been doing lots of activities around safe usage of the internet to coincide with Safe Internet day. On top of a wonderful assembly lead by Mr Bridgford  all about keeping ourselves safe on the internet, Year 2 have been discussing scenarios that may occur while using the internet and how to ensure their safety is put first.

We played board games where we had to discuss our potential emotions that we’d feel in the given scenario. We learnt that anything that makes us feel worried or in any way uncomfortable, then we should stop and tell an adult.

Our children know to keep their identity to themselves and to never allow communication with strangers online.

Our computing lessons this week allowed us to explore the internet safely with the search engine and we have started to create wonderful fact files – thanks to the amazing things the internet can provide for us.


“We have to not play games that are too old for us because they may be bad or make us feel worried.”- Eliza Year 2


“If we see bad things online , we ask for a grown up.” – Samuel Year 2

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