In Reception this week, our key question has been ‘Who explores space and what have they found?’ This has involved lots of lovely learning about astronauts, rockets, planets, stars and moons. As part of our learning, we looked at the Solar System and unpacked a keyword – ‘orbit’. To demonstrate what the word means, and to help this become a ‘sticky memory’ for the children, we played a game!

To start with one child was chosen to be the sun – in this case, Sharmaarke. The other children then practised rotating or orbiting around the sun to get a sense of the word and how our planets travel around the sun. Next, eight children were chosen to be the eight planets of our solar system and began orbiting the sun too. Finally, some of the other children pretended to be a rocket. They were challenged to fly to the sun and back without bumping into any planets! The children loved this game, it was a lot of fun! Pictures and videos below:

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