Please return completed forms to the school office Monday – Friday between the hours of 8:30am:1:00pm.
Nursery and Reception have their own admissions policies and supplementary forms-please see below.
In -Year Admissions
If you would like your child to join our school, please come to the school office or call/email to make enquiries. You will be asked to complete an in-year application form, and provide the child’s proof of birth ( Birth Certificate or Passport) and two recent utility bills for your home address ( within 3 months). If there is a space in a class, you will be offered it. If not, you will be placed on a waiting list and the school will contact you when a place is available. The admissions criteria apply if there is more than one child on the waiting list. We are a 1-form entry school with class sizes of 30 children, and 26 in Nursery.