Punctuality and Attendance – Every School Day Counts
Good school attendance ensures your child’s continuous access to a broad education, increasing their life chances for years to come. Parents and Carers have an important role to play in ensuring this happens; it is important that you ensure your child attends school regularly and on time. St Mary & St Pancras CE Primary School works hard at engaging pupils through collaborative partnership between the parent, the school and the local authority. We celebrate attendance every week in Celebration Assembly and the class with the best attendance annually receives a special treat.
Reporting Absences:
Children are expected to attend school daily – this is the law. If they are too unwell to come in, it is the responsibility of parents to contact the school office by 9am on 0207 387 6117 to inform us of their absence. Parents must contact school on each day of absence.
Authorising Absences:
School are responsible for deciding whether an absence is authorised. A pupil is considered to have an authorised absence when:
· they are too ill to come to school
· they are observing a religious observance
· they are receiving emergency medical treatment.
Non-emergent medical and dental appointments should be made outside of school hours.
Any other absences will be considered in line with the Attendance Policy. If you are faced with an exceptional circumstance that may impact your child’s attendance, please communicate with the school so we can support you in getting your child to school wherever possible.
Unauthorised absences are absences that do not fit the description of authorised absence given above (whether or not it is explained) and all absences that are not explained. They include (but are not limited to):
· a parent/sibling having an appointment
· holidays/extended trips in term time.
We monitor attendance and punctuality very closely. If your child’s attendance is falling or they are persistently late for school, you will be invited to meet with the Deputy Headteacher to discuss the barriers to your child coming to school daily and on time.
Formal learning starts promptly at 9am. Gates are open daily at 8.45am so children can come in and engage with early morning work. It is expected that parents ensure their child is in school and settled by 9am.
If your child is late, parents and carers must communicate with a member of staff from the school office, providing a valid reason for the lateness. This will ensure that your child is registered in school.
A child is considered late if they are not in school by 9am.
Unauthorised absence through lateness:
At 9.30am, the registers will be closed. In accordance with statutory regulations, your child will be given a mark that shows them to be onsite but records the lateness as an unauthorised absence if they arrive after 9.30am. This may mean that you could face the possibility of a Penalty Notice if the problem persists. If you need talk to someone about your child’s attendance please contact the school office and organise an appointment with Miss Heard.
Changes to Attendance from 19th August 2024