It’s Spring 2! That means that our new Units of Learning are ‘Travel and Exploration’ and ‘Animals From Around the World’. As part of our learning, we will read through exciting stories such as ‘The Great Explorer’, ‘The Snail and the Whale’, ‘Dear Zoo’, ‘Giraffe’s Can’t Dance’ and more! We will also investigate life in different countries and explore animals and animal habitats from across the globe! In Phonics, we are working to consolidate our knowledge of Phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs and begin reading longer words. In Maths, we will explore the composition of numbers from 1-10, doubles, odd and even numbers, and begin adding and taking away small amounts. Finally, in R.E the children will explore the big question, ‘What is so special about Easter?’ Alongside this we will have two class trips! We will be visiting the Science Museum and the British Library. Lucky us!