Our Units of Learning for the Autumn Term are Science, History, Geography, Design and Technology and Art. The children will be learning about The Monarch, understanding everyday materials; and exploring maps. The children will also have the opportunity to visit Waterloo Bridge, where they will be able to see important landmarks and draw them. Art will take the children on a drawing journey to understand how to draw beginning with lines, moving onto simple sketching. During English, the focus will be on understand what a sentence is. The children will be learning through stories and will recall texts using story maps.Our Religious Education Curriculum will begin with Christianity, focusing on the Creation Story. The children will explore a range of stories and discuss the world and how to care for it. In Maths, Place Value will be the main focus, developing fluency and introducing one-step problem solving tasks. We are really encouraging the children to develop counting in twos, fives and tens. As always, Phonics is at the forefront of Reading and Writing in Year One. Daily Phonics sessions and Reading Practice will continue to take place.