Our Units of Learning for the Spring Term are Science, History, Design and Technology and Art. The Children will be understanding a new, exciting skill of printmaking! They will go on a voyage of exploration through a variety of media, before creating a mixed-media, final piece of art. We have a very exciting workshop planned to stem curiosity for History, through LEGO! This is an exciting opportunity for the children to reflect upon their knowledge of the past and understand how something they are very familiar with, has changed. In English, the children will develop their skills of writing sentences with a few additions such as, time connectives and adjectives. Place Value is our focus in Maths, developing fluency and one-step problem solving tasks. Our Religious Education journey, takes to understanding Judaism and how Jewish people live. As always, Phonics is at the forefront of Reading and Writing in Year One. Daily Phonics sessions and Reading Practice will continue to take place.