This term in Year 3, we have lots of exciting learning ahead of us.
Our Unit of Learning this term is Rainforests, where we will explore the layers of the rainforest, the climate and making comparisons between the Amazon Rainforest and local parks in London. We will also learn how important it is to make lifestyle choices that protect the planet and help save the rainforest. In Science we will be learning about plants and what they need to survive and thrive.In RE we will begin our learning about Judaism, looking at what it means to be Jewish and visiting a local Synagogue to aid our learning. In Maths, we will continue to look at multiplication and division, investigating different methods to work out answers. Later on, we will be learning all about measurement, including how to measure perimeter. In English, we start the term by diving into the two books ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ and ‘Gregory Cool’, with lots of opportunity to learn about different cultures. Year 3 will continue to learn the recorder in music with Ms Pryce.